Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Light Defends Us

Chuckle: The draftee was awakened roughly by his sergeant after the rookie's first night in the army barracks. "It's four-thirty!" roared the sergeant. "Four-thirty!" gasped the recruit. "Man, you'd better get to bed. We've got a big day tomorrow!"
Quote: "The Bible is as necessary to our safe passage through this lifetime as oxygen is to sustain life."Unknown source

"Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path" (Psalm 119:105 NIV). "Though I constantly take my life in my hands, I will not forget your law" (vs. 109). The wicked have set a snare for me, but I have not strayed from your precepts (that defend me)" (vs. 110).
As the psalmist points out, Satan and the world are constantly laying traps to ensnare us. Only a close and constant walk with the Lord and diligence in studying his Word can defend us from the spirit of darkness. Our enemies take many forms but the Light of God's Word is able to defend us from them all. Here are some examples.
1. The Light defends us from our Fears: "Though I constantly take my life in my hands" (vs. 109) is a most unusual expression. It is found in several places in the Old Testament and involves the meaning: I am "putting myself at grave risk," or, "I find myself in great danger." All the dangers to the psalmist were real and he was afraid. I think he had a lump in his throat, his heart was in his mouth, but God's word hushed his fears and gave him a sense of peace and calmness. A man totally absorbed in keeping himself alive is likely to think he has no time, energy, or attention to spare for God's Word. However, as we mature in our faith, we come to realize it is during these most anxious times that God's Word becomes most precious and comforting to us.
2. The Light defends us against Our Enemies: "The wicked have set a snare for me. . . ." (vs. 110). The psalmist was afraid because he was in danger of being snared. Traps were being set for him. A person ringed about by traps is likely to take whatever steps he can conceive to avoid them, even at the cost of straying from the path marked out by God (vs.. 110). But, even in such circumstances, the psalmist did what all people of faith should do. They deliberately choose God's Word, and find that God's instructions give them deep, complete, and continuous joy. No matter what happens, the Word of the Lord must reign supreme in your life and mine if we are to be what God wants us to be and experience His peace and joy.
3. The Light defends us against dark thoughts: In this sinful world, ungodly thoughts are constantly seeking to invade our minds, and we know that evil thoughts precede evil actions. God understands that we need a strong defense against Satan’s inroads into our thinking, and has provided His Word (Light) as our first and last lines of defense. As we remain in God’s Word and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us, our thoughts will become more pure and holy. “For the Word of God (Light) is living and active. . . It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Hebrews 4:12 NIV). “Men suffer from thinking more than anything else.”Leo Tolstoy
Love, Jerry & Dotse


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