Monday, August 12, 2019

Sight for the Blind

Chuckle: "You are marvelously mature when you and your teeth no longer sleep together!"
Quote: “There’s none so blind as they that won’t see.” --Jonathan Swift
Jesus said, "I have come to judge the world. I have come to give sight to the blind and to show those who think they see that they are blind" (John 9:39 NLT).
The implications of Jesus' words in this verse are enormous. He introduced a principle that goes against the conventional wisdom of many people today, as it did when Jesus was here on earth. Jesus was dealing with a group of Pharisees who saw themselves as the ultimate reservoir of all truth, wisdom, and understanding when it came to the mind of God. Jesus gave the blind man physical sight so that he could introduce him, and others, to spiritual sight. We may see with our physical eyes and still be blind when it comes to seeing and understanding spiritual truths.
Jesus wants to teach us that even if we can see physically, we may still be blind when compared to the spiritual sight God wants to give us. Humanity is divided into two classes -- the spiritually blind (lost) and spiritually seeing (saved). Jesus gave the blind man his physical sight almost immediately, but it took time for His spiritual eyes to open. As this newly healed man learned about Jesus, his spiritual eyes began to see as he recognized Jesus first as a prophet (vs.17), then later as his Lord (vs. 38).
Even after we accept Christ as Savior, our spiritual sight does not come all at once -- our spiritual eyes continue to open gradually as we spend time with Jesus in prayer, meditation, and study of God's Word. The longer we walk with Him, the better we know Him and the keener our spiritual sight becomes. Sadly, many who think they have great knowledge, wisdom, and insight are as blind as bats when it comes to the sight that really matters. This was the case with the Pharisees. The Blind man represented "those who do not see" that are enabled to "see," whereas the Pharisees represented "those who see" that become blind.
As we allow God to open our spiritual eyes to see Him in all His glory, He will give us peace, contentment, and excitement as He continues to reveal His power, love, grace, and mercy. He will teach us the meaning of true wisdom from His perspective. In this life, we may find ourselves physically blind or seeing, but when we recognize our spiritual blindness, we are ready to let God give us the ability to see the world through His eyes. From the old hymn, "Amazing Grace:" ". . . I once was lost and now I'm found; was blind but now I see." Praise!!!
Love, Jerry & Dotse


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