Chuckle: "What are the sins of omission," a teacher
asked a Sunday School class. One man answered: "Those are the sins we should
have committed and did not. . .!" (Check this man's response
against the true definition in James 4:17).
Quote: “The last, best fruit which comes to late
perfection, even in the kindliest soul, is tenderness toward the hard,
forbearance toward the unforbearing, warmth of heart toward the cold,
philanthropy toward the misanthropic.” --Jean P. Richter
"I am the vine; and you are the branches. If a man remains in me
and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing. . .This
is to my Father's glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my
disciples" (John 15:5-8 NIV).
Bearing fruit is a normal and
healthy function of a tree and its branches. Nothing is more true in the
physical world and nothing is more true in the spiritual world. Spiritually
healthy Christians bear fruit. Jesus was uncanny in his ability to use
metaphors, allegories, and examples from the physical world to teach valuable
spiritual truths.
Here's my definition of bearing
fruit: "Anything you do as a
Christian that benefits other people (physically, emotionally, or
spiritually) for the glory of God, by the power of the Holy Spirit
working through you." This means our character becomes like Jesus; we are
generous in our giving; we please God through our praise worship; and we
influence people to be drawn to Christ. Jesus was saying that He, as the vine,
would provide to and through us (the branches) all the spiritual nutrients,
power, and abilities to bear much fruit for the glory of the Father. "It is to my Father's glory, that you bear
much fruit." Jesus said, "I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your
joy may be complete" (John 15:11 NLT).
Like anything we try to do as
Christians, the temptation is to try to bear fruit in our own strength,
forgetting that we can do nothing (bear no fruit) that will be recognized as
legitimate by our Lord without the power of the Vine (Holy Spirit) flowing
through us. We sometimes try to do things for God without maintaining
that intimate connection to God from whence comes our spiritual strength.
Jesus says we must remain (abide)
in him to bear much fruit. What does this statement really mean? It means we
stay connected to Christ and totally dependent upon Him for everything to keep
us spiritually alive and productive. This allows us to do what is important to
Him -- bearing fruit. The moment we allow unconfessed sin to remain in our
lives, we become disconnected from the vine; His strength no longer is flowing
through us; and we become ineffective as fruit bearers for our Lord. God wants
us to produce fruit in the likeness of Christ, and he wants to remove anything
from our lives that hinders us from "bearing much fruit."
For the next few days, I want to turn to the book of
Galatians, where the apostle Paul presents a list of Christian characteristics
known as the "fruit of the Spirit." These types of fruit, performed in the power
of the Holy Spirit, qualify as "fruit" that Jesus was talking about in John 15.
Here is a list of spiritual fruit, found in Galatians 5:22, that we will be
addressing in coming days. Love,
joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and
Love, Jerry &
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