Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Be Accommodating to Others

Chuckle: A little boy found a leaf pressed between the pages of an old family Bible. "Mom," he called, "look what I found!" "It's Adam's clothes!"
Quote: "When a man realizes that he is a beloved child of the Creator of all, then he is ready to see his neighbors in the world as brothers and sisters." --Robert Runcie, Archbishop of Canterbury

"If someone forces (compels) you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you" (Matthew 5:41-42 NIV).
Among the meanings of the word, "accommodate," is: "to fit in with someone's wishes or demands in a helpful way." In our passage, the words of Jesus remind us of our obligation to go the extra mile to be accommodating to others when they compel/require us to do something or ask a favor of us. The same principle applies when we become aware of a need that we have the resources to meet.
If we are too busy or indifferent to the needs of others, we may turn down their cries for help or reluctantly do precisely what someone requests of us, but nothing more -- just enough to satisfy the request and clear our consciences. Jesus tells us to do more than is requested or expected.
We may have our day completely planned out with no time to spare, and then God brings someone across our path with a request or need that would require us to change our plans to grant the request or meet the need. According to Jesus' words, in our passage, what should be our attitude?
Even though it may be difficult or inconvenient at times to go the extra mile, doing so can be the key to success in your business, your marriage, your church, or other relationships. I'm sure you have come face to face with a rigid, uncaring, unyielding, or an unaccommodating person. What is your reaction to that person? You see, our Lord has instructed Christians to put others ahead of our personal desires or plans even when it is inconvenient and costs us valuable time, effort, and other resources.
Jesus expands the teaching of accommodation in Luke 6:27-36 where He tells us to love our enemies, turn the other cheek, and give to anyone beyond what they ask. To me, the message for Christians is to always do the unexpected in the eyes of the secular world. He wants us to show that our ability to love and respond to others is unlimited in the same way God's love for us is unlimited. Returning good for evil and going the extra mile will give credibility to our witness for our Lord. Jesus teaches us to be accommodating to others in all circumstances, even to our enemies.
"And if you do good to those who are good to you, what credit it that to you? Even sinners do that. . . . But love your enemies, do good to them, and lend to them without expecting to get anything back. Then your reward will be great, . . ." (Luke 6:33, 35 NIV).
Love, Jerry & Dotse


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