Wednesday, February 21, 2018

How Can This Be?

Chuckle:  A little boy was overheard praying: "Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it. I'm having a great time as I am."
Quote:  Why, who makes much of a miracle? As for me I know nothing else but miracles – To me every hour of night and day is a miracle, Every cubic inch of space a miracle. –Walt Witman 
When considering the possibility of our accomplishing something important for our Lord, we may do so from the human perspective which includes taking into account our physical strengths and weaknesses.  As Christians, we can be tempted to dismiss out-of-hand what we know God would have us do because we view it as impossible. This is because we lack confidence that we can accomplish God’s assignment.  We might express our doubts or cynicism by thinking and saying, “This is impossible” or “how can this be?’ or “How is this possible?”  
In the Scriptures, there are numerous recorded instances when God revealed His plans to His people and gave them instructions for carrying out His plans.  Often, His people reveal their lack of faith and confidence that they can do what God asked of them.  They begin making excuses based on their perceived personal limitations.  Let’s look at three instances that might evoke the question; “how can this be?”   
The angel, Gabriel, to Mary, “You will become pregnant and have a son, and you will name him Jesus. He will be very great and will be called the Son of the Most High.” . . . Mary asked the angel; “How can I have a baby? I am a virgin” (Luke 1:31-33 NLT).  “How can this be so?”  What Gabriel told Mary was so incredulous to her that it didn’t seem possible.  In response to Mary’s question, Gabriel said, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you.”  The answer to all our doubts and questions about God’s direction for our lives rests in the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit.    
God to Moses at the burning bush, “So now go. I am sending you to Pharaoh to bring my people the Israelites out of Egypt” (Exodus 3:10 NIV. Moses began to make excuses to God because he didn’t think he was up to the task even after God said, “I (my Spirit) will be with you” (v. 12),  The excuse that resonates with many of us is when Moses said he couldn’t speak well enough to convey God’s message to Pharaoh.  Moses continued to make excuses.  “Then the LORD’s anger burned against Moses” (Exodus 4:14 NIV).
Jesus to His disciples: I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing.  He will do even greater things than these because I am going to the Father”  (John 14:12 NIV).  To me, this is one of the most profound and amazing declarations to come from the lips of our Lord.  What is the truth Jesus wants His disciples, and us, to understand from this passage?  Surely, He doesn't mean that we will do greater miracles than raising people from the dead, healing the sick, forgiving sins, or the granting of eternal life.  These miracles are as amazing as miracles get.  The key lies in Jesus' statement as to why He said we will do greater things than He did while He was here on earth.  This will be true "because I am going to the Father."
How did His going to the Father change what believers are able to do?  It was the coming of the Holy Spirit into the lives of all believers who provides the motivation, direction, and power for us to do greater things.  Later, Jesus said, "Unless I go away (to the Father), the Counselor (Holy Spirit) will not come to you; but if I go, I will send Him to you" (John 16:7 NIV).  After Jesus had gone, the disciples would be working in the power of the Holy Spirit; the same power that raised Jesus from the dead (Ephesians 1:19-20 NLT). Jesus said to His followers, “And be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age”  (Matthew 28:20 NLT).  Down through the ages, God’s people (believers) have brought millions of people into God’s kingdom in the power of the Holy Spirit.      
In the power of the Spirit, God continues to use individuals and groups of Christians to accomplish miraculous results.The next time, you sense God calling you to a specific ministry or destination, please don’t couch your answer in terms of human limitations and frailties, but rather, in the limitless power of God’s Holy Sprit.
Love, Jerry & Dotse 


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