Thursday, January 21, 2016

Living in Peace

Chuckle: Golfer: "I'd move heaven and earth to be able to break 100 on this course." Caddy: "Try heaven. You've already moved most of the earth."
Quote: "Where people are praying for peace the cause of peace is being strengthened by their very act of prayer, for they are themselves becoming immersed in the spirit of peace." --John Macquarrie

"Do your part (best) to live in peace with everyone, as much as possible" (Romans 12:18 NLT).
When it comes to living peacefully with everyone, I think many of us just give up long before we have done our best. It's a fact that some people are just hard to get along with, and our natural tendency is to throw in the towel and quit trying to build relationships with such folks. You may become frustrated when your desire for peace is ignored and the other party seems to thrive on conflict and disharmony. What are we to do in such situations?
The Golden Rule Principle makes it clear that we are to treat others as we desire to be treated. It does not say that we should stop treating others with love and respect simply because they do not return the favor. If we love others the way Christ loves us, we will not give up on being instruments of peace and grace no matter how difficult it may be. As believers, we are recipients of God's amazing grace and love and we should pass such grace and love on to others regardless of whether or not they deserve it or are receptive to it.
Remember, grace is unmerited favor and is extended without regard to it being deserved. Aren't you glad that God extended His grace and love to you when you did not deserve it? That hard to get along with person is as deserving of love, grace, and kindness as you and I are. So, to comply with God's instructions, we must not respond in anger or back away. Instead, we should continue to treat those difficult people with kindness and perhaps, eventually, your desire for peace will prevail and cause them to respond in kind. While you are busy making peace, you may be making a friend.
"Do what the Scriptures say: 'If your enemies are hungry, feed them . . . and they will be ashamed of what they have done to you.' Don't let evil get the best of you, but conquer evil by doing good" (Romans 12:20-21 NLT). "Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace" (Ephesians 4:3 NIV). In the Beatitudes Jesus said, "God blesses (makes happy) those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God" (Matthew 5:9 NLT).
Love, Jerry & Dotse


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