Thursday, January 14, 2016

Lawsuits and Christians

Chuckle: A patient told her doctor she had an episode of hallucinations. The doctor asked what they looked like. "Well, doctor, I really don't know," she said. "I wasn't wearing my glasses at the time."
Quote: "It is more important to maintain integrity than to amass a fortune." --William Arthur Ward
"When you have something against another Christian, why do you file a lawsuit and ask a secular court to decide the matter, instead of taking it to another Christian to decide who is right? I am saying this to shame you. Isn't there someone in all the church who is wise enough to decide these arguments? But instead one Christian sues another -- right in front of unbelievers. To have such lawsuits is a real defeat for you" (I Corinthians 6:1, 5-6 NLT).
Should Christians go to court against one another? Perhaps this question has never crossed the minds of most believers, but it deserves our careful and prayerful consideration. We live in a society obsessed with lawsuits. People sue each other over the most insignificant and ridiculous matters. It must be the "something for nothing" mentality that somehow being wronged even a little entitles a person to a windfall without working for it. Obviously, lawsuits are justified in some circumstances, but, as we study this lesson together, please remember the conduct of Christians should be different from the secular world. Our lives should give testimony that God has made us "a new creation" in Christ. We should have a different world view.
Here, Paul teaches how we should handle problems between Christians. We should not have to go to a secular court to resolve our differences. As Christians, we have the wisdom of God's Word and His Holy, so why go to those who lack God's wisdom to resolve our differences? In love, we should be able to resolve disputes among ourselves.
Here are a few reasons why Christians should not take their differences to secular courts? (1) The judge and jury may not be Christians, and may not to be sensitive to Christian values; (2) The reason for going to court is often revenge, and this should never be a Christian's motive; (3) Lawsuits between Christians harm the cause of Christ and cast the church in a bad light; and (4) Our love for each other should prevent our differences from rising to the level of anger, bitterness, revenge, or retribution.
"Be humble and gentle. Be patient with each other, making allowances for each other's faults because of your love. Always keep yourselves united in the Holy Spirit, and bind yourselves together with peace" (Ephesians 4:2-3 NLT).
If we have this kind of relationship with one another as Christians, I don't think we will resort to lawsuits in most circumstances. Do you? It's true that some things must be settled in civil courts, but the bottom line for Christians is that we should take every precaution to avoid using them. By settling our differences in love, kindness, and understanding we send an important message to the world about the miracle God has performed in our hearts.
Love, Jerry & Dotse


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