Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Why Not Say Thanks?

Good Morning:                                                                     
Chuckle: We need to be reminded that Thanksgiving is more than food, football, friends, family, and fun. It is a time to be thankful . . . that you don't have feathers!!!!
Quote: "The unthankful heart . . . discovers no mercies; but let the thankful heart sweep through the day, as the magnet finds the iron, so it will find, in every hour, some heavenly blessing!" --Henry Ward Beecher
WHY NOT SAY THANKS? (Luke 17:11-19)
One of them (lepers), when he saw that he was healed, came back to Jesus, shouting, "Praise God, I'm healed!" He fell face down on the ground at Jesus' feet, thanking him for what he had done (Luke 17:15 NLT).
In a couple days, we will celebrate Thanksgiving Day. Will we celebrate with an attitude of gratitude or ungratefulness? I venture to say that many of us will be more concerned with how much we can eat and drink than giving thanks to Almighty God for the bounty he allows us to enjoy. For Christians, our greatest reasons for giving thanks should be for the forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life we enjoy because of the atoning blood sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Leprosy begins with white splotches -- then eats away flesh until parts of the body decay and fall off. If unchecked, a horrible, painful death ensues. Although it is rare today, leprosy was common in biblical times. Our passage reveals an Intriguing story of Jesus' ministry -- healing of lepers. On the way to Jerusalem, Jesus and disciples passed through a village where they met ten lepers. Lepers were not allowed to come within six feet of the healthy -- fifty feet if upwind. If someone neared them they would shout "unclean! unclean!" The ten lepers stood far off and cried, "Master, have mercy on us!"
With deep compassion, Jesus told them to show themselves to the priest. The law of Moses was specific -- before a healed leper could reenter society he had to be examined by a priest and given a health certificate saying he was cured. In obedience to Jesus, the men went to the priest. As they went, they were cleansed and healed. The miracle was not instantaneous -- but came as they obeyed Jesus. One of them, a Samaritan, turned back to fall at Jesus' feet, gave thanks and praised God. Failure of the nine to return left Jesus perplexed. To take blessings from God and never say "thank you" was unthinkable to Him.
Jesus' question, "where are the nine?" is an important question for all of us. We all have reason to be thankful to the Lord for blessings and benefits. But how many take time to say "thank you." Someone has said, "So far as thanksgiving is concerned, the mass of people can be divided into two classes -- those who take things for granted and those who take things with gratitude." Thanksgiving for the Christian should not be just time of year, but a permanent attitude of the heart -- a feeling of unworthiness for all God has done for us because of His love.
Love, Jerry & Dotse


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