Friday, September 15, 2017

Confidence in God

Chuckle: A pastor was talking to some children and asked, "What is brown, furry, with a bushy tail, and hides nuts?" One little boy replied, "I know the answer is Jesus, but it sure sounds like a squirrel."
Quote: "God is sufficiently wise, and good and powerful and merciful to turn even the most, apparently, disastrous events to the advantage and profit of those who humbly adore and accept his will in all that he permits." --Jean-Pierre de Caussade
"But you are a shield around me, O LORD; you bestow glory on me and lift up my head" (Psalm 3:3 NIV).
What is your first reaction when problems arise in your life? Where do you focus your attention for help in dealing with adverse situations? How do you plan ahead for dealing with troubles when they come, and how do you shield yourself from their damaging impact?
When King David wrote this psalm, he was not setting on his comfortable throne in the safety of a palace, but was running for his life to escape from his rebellious son, Absalom, and a host of other traitors. It's a gross understatement to say he was dealing with major troubles. When trouble comes, it's tempting to think God has turned His back on us and is meting out his wrath upon us. This attitude often causes us to turn away from God in time of trouble rather than toward Him. But David remembered an eternal truth: God is always with us even when everything and everyone seems to be against us. "If God is for us, who can be against us" (Romans 8:31 NIV).
Someone has said, "glance at your problems and gaze at God" when trouble closes in. This makes eminent sense if you think about it. The key question is where do we focus our attention during troubling times? If we gaze (focus) on our troubles and only glance at God, the perceived magnitude of our troubles will increase and our confidence in God and dependence upon Him will decrease. Like David, we should learn to keep our eyes focused on God in all circumstances.
Jesus said to His disciples, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world" (John 16:33b NIV). As we keep our eyes (gaze) upon our Lord and focus on His faithfulness, our confidence in Him will become stronger and unshakable. God will never abandon us, and we can enjoy the peace of Christ even in the most troublesome of times.
Love, Jerry & Dotse


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