Tuesday, October 25, 2016

God's Way or Man's Way

Chuckle: A man to the meteorologist: "I thought you might like to know that I shoveled eighteen inches of partly cloudy from my sidewalk this morning."
Quote: "Let us endeavor so to live that when we come to die even the undertaker will be sorry." --Mark Twain

Jesus turned to Peter and said, . . . "You are seeing things merely from a human point of view, and not from God's" (Matthew 16:23 NLT)
I remember talking with a precious grandmother who was heartbroken and worried because her grandson was making the wrong choices in life and was living by the ways of the world rather than God's ways. She could not understand why he had rejected her teachings and counsel on Biblical standards of behavior. To see the people you love ignore God's instructions and make dangerous and ungodly choices, can bring much anxiety and heartache. This is especially true when you know they are headed for major disappointments as the result of their bad choices.
Jesus had just shared with His disciples that He would suffer, be killed, and would be raised on the third day. It must have concerned Jesus when even Simon Peter, one of Jesus' closest followers, began to evaluate what Jesus had said from a human point of view. Peter could not grasp the Godly significance of what Jesus was saying and made the very human choice to correct Jesus by saying, "Heaven forbid, Lord," This will never happen to you!" (vs. 22).
Peter's words reflected a lack of understanding about the Father's plan for Jesus and for himself. It must have broken the heart of Jesus to find it necessary to rebuke Peter because of his inability to see things God's way. Jesus even addressed Peter as Satan, not because Peter was actually Satan, but because He knew the Evil One was influencing Peter's thinking and understanding. Peter "did not have in mind the things of God, but the things of men" (NIV). God said, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" (Isaiah 55:8 NIV).
As parents, grandparents, or friends, we do not have the power to make choices for those we love. But we do have the responsibility to love them, lead them to Christ, teach them the things of God, pray for them, and help them understand God's ways and will as they make life's choices. Each day we are wise if we evaluate ourselves to see if Godly wisdom is being applied in our own decision-making process. Are our decisions being made God's way or our way? Beware that Satan is always trying to get us to leave God out of the picture. Jesus rebuked Peter for this attitude.
Love, Jerry & Dotse


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