Friday, September 16, 2016

Resentment Ruins Lives

Chuckle: A man went to the airline counter. The ticket agent asked, "Sir, do you have reservations?" He replied, "Reservations? Of course I have reservations, but I'm flying anyway."
Quote: “If you hug to yourself any resentment against anybody else, you destroy the bridge by which God would come to you.” --Peter Marshall
"All of you should be in agreement, understanding each other, loving each other as family, being kind and humble. Do not do wrong to repay a wrong and do not insult to repay insult. But repay with a blessing, because you yourselves were called to do this so that you might receive a blessing" (1 Peter 3:8-9 NCV).
These beautiful words by the apostle Peter tell us how we should relate to one another as followers of Christ. I see no room for resentment if we pattern our relationships accordingly. The Dictionary defines resentment like this: "A feeling of bitter hurt and anger at being insulted, slighted, or being left out." Max Lucado says, "Resentment is the cocaine of the emotions. . . it demands increasingly large and more frequent dosages." No doubt resentment can have a debilitating effect on our relationships with others. It can skew our view of others and leave us angry, bitter, and vengeful.
Resentment can grow out of jealousy over money, power, influence, abilities, or even personal looks, etc. We can come to resent someone because we can't be like they are -- because they have what we cannot have, etc. When we are resentful, we become blinded and cannot see the positive qualities of the one whom we resent. Like a cocaine addict, our resentment demands increasingly large and more frequent doses of anger, bitterness, and revenge.
I venture to say we have all harbored resentment toward someone at some time in our lives. If you have, you know that resentment turns to anger in short order, and out of control anger goes beyond just and emotion and becomes the focus of your attention and the dominate force in your life. When you reach this stage of bitterness and anger, you can become bent on revenge -- getting even. Then it becomes harder and harder to forgive even if the person you resent comes to you with an apology. You are no longer interested in reconciliation, peace, and tranquility because you are too full of rage. You become driven by anger and bitterness.
I know God stands ready to remove your bitterness and misery if you will only ask forgiveness for your attitude and let him cleanse you and restore your joy and peace. If you are resentful and angry toward someone, I encourage you rise above getting back at those who hurt you. Instead of reacting angrily to those who have offended you, try praying for them.
Love, Jerry & Dotse


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