Monday, July 18, 2016

Happiness Through Meekness

Chuckle: A child's prayer: "Dear God, maybe Cain and Abel would not kill each other so much if they each had their own rooms. It works out OK with me and my brother." Larry
Quote: “Meekness is great power under complete control.”Unknown Source
"Blessed (happy) are the meek for they will inherit the earth" (Matthew 5:5 NIV).
Before we look at the third Beatitude, we must understand that the Beatitudes picture a step-by-step process of God restructuring the hearts and lives of believers. Jesus' teachings provide a moral standard by which we can measure ourselves. The beatitudes refer to both present and future blessings of the kingdom. "Beatitude" means happiness but much more. It implies the wonderful and enviable place of those who make up God's kingdom. They do not insure pleasure or prosperity here on earth. But being blessed means to experience hope and joy, independent of outward circumstances. This is possible when we follow Jesus regardless of the cost.
I don't know of a word used in Scripture that is as misunderstood as the word "meek." Just the sound of the word seems to communicate weakness, not strength. But the word used by Jesus has a totally different meaning, and weakness is not even a part of its definition. "Gentle, lowly, easy, and mild" are better definitions. His picture is that of a giant animal, like a horse or an ox. Each of these magnificent animals has tremendous strength. You've probably heard the phrase, "strong as an ox." However, each of these, when trained, bring their great strength into subjection to its master. The ox has lost none of its strength; but it's will and strength are now channeled and controlled by its master.
As Christians, being meek requires that we submit our wills totally to the Lord. The biggest difference in submitting our will to our Lord and the ox submitting to its master is that the ox already has strength which is brought under control. But our strength comes only after we have submitted our wills to the Master. His Spirit gives us all the strength the Father chooses to give us and he controls that strength. Meekness means a life that is submissive to the Holy Spirit -- a life that allows Him to change us in any way He sees fit to make us more useful to Him. When we doubt the Father, we are likely to act in our own strength, instead of relying on His power.
The first two beatitudes deal with the "poor in spirit," and "mourning" (sorrow), and they stress the need to admit our inadequacy and swallow our pride, repent, and ask forgiveness. This, the third beatitude asks us to realize that our meekness leads us to the source of great strength -- God, Himself. Renewal comes when we become meek -- when we humbly give our lives to God to be used by him for his honor and glory. Now, we can claim the promise of Jesus that we will gain the abundant life -- even here on earth -- a life of peace, joy, and contentment. Jesus said: "I have come that they might have life, and have it more abundantly (to the fullest)" (John 10:10). As believers, the best things in life are available to each of us right now!
Love, Jerry & Dotse


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