Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Faith That Triumphs

Chuckle:  What did Paul Revere say at the end of his famous ride?  “Whoa.”
Quote:  “Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservations.” --Elton Trueblood

    Jesus said: "Simon, Simon, Satan has asked to have all of you, to sift you like wheat. But I have pleaded in prayer for you, Simon, that your faith should not fail. So when you have repented and turned to me again, strengthen and build up your brothers" (Luke 22:32 NLT).
In wars like those in Iraq and Afghanistan, our troops often have a difficult time identifying the enemy because they look no different than those on our side.  It's not easy to know who your enemy is.  The same is true with our greatest enemy, Satan, because he often disguises himself so as to appear friendly and harmless.  In life as in war, our first major task is to identify the enemy.  Our enemy wants to separate us from fellowship with our Lord and render us ineffective as ambassadors and witnesses for him.
In our passage, Satan wanted to crush Simon Peter and Jesus' other followers like grains of wheat. It was his hope that nothing would be left of them except worthless chaff to be blown away.  But Jesus encouraged Peter.  Although his faith would falter, it would not be destroyed.  It would return stronger than ever and Peter would become a strong and effective leader.
You may be going through a time when your faith is faltering.  Your enemy may have enticed you away and you may not be walking as closely with your Lord as you once did.  Perhaps you feel ineffective as a testimony to others.  If these conditions apply to you, rest assured Satan is the responsible culprit.  The first thing you must do is identify your enemy.  To do this, it's important that you remember three things about Satan: (1) He is real and active; (2) He is your enemy and he is on the attack; and (3) His power is limited by what God allows (he asked permission to sift Peter).
Once you have identified your enemy, then you must rely on your Lord as your advocate.  In verse 32, Jesus showed his advocacy for Peter by telling Peter he was praying for him.  Peter's faith faltered when he denied his lord three times, as Jesus predicted in verse 34, but he rebounded and ultimately did not fail.
Please remember that Jesus is praying for you. Listen: "Therefore he (Jesus) is able, once and forever, to save everyone who comes to God through him. He lives forever to plead with God on their behalf" (Hebrews 7:25 NLT).  Also, be aware that the Holy Spirit lives within you to give you strength (John 14:16).  "Submit yourselves to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you" (James 4:7 NIV).  So whenever Satan knocks, let Jesus answer the door.  You will then experience triumphant faith which will also strengthen your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Love, Jerry & Dotse


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